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The History of Hawaii Ocean Project

November 29, 2014

Many visitors participate in some sort of boat tour while on their Maui vacation.  When searching for a boat tour company, what things do you look for?  Most visitors decide based on price, location, and/or reviews.  What about the company history? By learning more about a company's history you can gain some excellent insight into the value offered to our guests.

Below are some interesting facts about Hawaii Ocean Project's 30 year history on Maui:

  • Captain Dave - Hawaii Ocean Project's President and Senior Captain - has been cruising Maui waters since 1970, sharing his seaworthy knowledge and contributing to the growth and success of HOP.
  • Hawaii Ocean Project is known for our eco-friendly vessels and ecological research projects.
  • Direct Research is supported by voluntary donations for genuine research.  With no director salaries or administrative fees, HOP is able to ensure that all funds collected and gift shop profits will go to direct research.
  • Among the numerous boat tours offered, we also operate the only interisland ferry, commuting to and from Moloka'i.
  • By educating our visitors and island community, HOP displays commitment to keeping our surrounding waters safe and healthy for the marine life.

To find out about more ways to support genuine research or to book a boat tour during your Maui vacation, contact HOP today!

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