The Maui Holoholo Bookmobile - HOP to it
Maui is fortunate to have a bookmobile that reaches people who would otherwise have a difficult time visiting the library. We are also fortunate to ha...
We mentioned Whale Tales 2015 in our previous blog from January 1, 2015, but in this entry we'd like to discuss our involvement in it. If you're not familiar with Whale Tales it is an annual event organized by Whale Trust Maui that took place on President's Day weekend, starting on February 13th. Dr. Meagan Jones is one of the three co-founders of Whale Trust and also one of our Direct Research Recipients. We were ecstatic to be able to support one of our Direct Research Recipients in their endeavors, and be involved in one of the world's foremost cetacean research and education events.
Our contribution to the event was a benefit whale watch with Flip Nicklin and friends which took place on February 15th and left from Lahaina Harbor. We are very pleased to share that the whale watch sold out! Not surprising when you consider what a special opportunity it was for any whale enthusiast to be able to share in the wealth of knowledge Flip has accrued over the course of his storied career. Flip is renowned worldwide for his amazing underwater photos and long history of working with National Geographic!
Although the whale watch with Flip was a special event, we hope that you'll allow us to be a part of your next whale watching adventure! And for our friends from Japan we offer Japanese interpreters on our 9:45am, 12:00pm, and 2:15pm whale watches, if arranged in advance. If you're interested in learning more about what our Direct Research Recipients have been up to, or what we're doing here at the Hawaii Ocean Project, we hope that you'll consider signing up for membership with us. Membership not only qualifies you for 25% off all of our excursions, but you're also privy to our member's only newsletter with news about our Direct Research Recipients and even interesting events (like Whale Tales!) that are coming up here on Maui! But most importantly, you can feel good about knowing 100% of proceeds go directly to the Direct Research Program.
Maui is fortunate to have a bookmobile that reaches people who would otherwise have a difficult time visiting the library. We are also fortunate to ha...
Spinner dolphin sightings are common on our Lanai snorkel tours. We'll take you to areas off Lanai's gorgeous coastline that dolphin pods tend to favo...
There are so many things to do and see on Maui, visitors often try to fit it all into one vacation and find that they can't. But with so many differen...