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Book Your Maui Whale Watching Tour Early

October 28, 2016

Summer has flown by this year, and we have about one more month of Autumn before the winter months arrive. Here in Hawaii, the winter season isn't just about the holidays, it's about celebrating the arrival of the whales. While the magnificent humpbacks tend to arrive in small numbers throughout November, the month of December is when things really start to pick up. We're looking forward to December 1st, when we can begin our Maui Whale Watch Tours.

For many Maui vacationers, whale watching is a source of great anticipation. In fact, it's the primary reason that some choose the winter months for their vacation. That and escaping the cold weather of their state or country of origin. Why stay at home shoveling snow when you could be soaking up the sun and watching whales on the upper deck of a luxurious yacht or a charming catamaran?

The whales give even our large craft a run for their money on size. These gentle giants can reach up to 45 feet in length. For reference, our Maui Princess yacht is 120 feet long, and our Kaulana catamaran is 70 feet long. If you book a whale watch tour with us, we'll bring you aboard one of these two remarkable vessels, which feature some of the finest stabilizing technology, so you can enjoy the smoothest possible ride.

Maui whale watching is a joy for people of all ages and all walks of life. Whether you're on a family vacation with kids, a romantic getaway, or you're here on business with colleagues, the whales are truly a marvel to witness. As the most acrobatic of the baleen whales, they are known for giving us quite a show, with all kinds of aerial behavior to amaze their onlookers. Sometimes it seems like they're showing off on purpose! But this isn't so far off from the truth. The whales come to Hawaii to breed and give birth to their calves. Their courtship typically involves a number of males vying for breeding rights with one female, and they'll go to great lengths to get ahead of the rest of the pack in this ritual chase. Singing is also one of the typical behaviors of the males. If you take a dip ocean during the winter and spring months, you can usually hear their songs if your ears are in the water.

If you're interested in going on a Maui whale watching tour, we strongly suggest that you book your excursion early! Since this activity is so popular, it's important to get your spot reserved on the day of your preference, since you probably have many plans to consider. If all goes well and you book early, you may find that your vacation activities end up seamless, and who knows? Maybe your whale watching trip will be the highlight of your trip, as it has been for so many others. We would love to help ensure that for you, so if you need our assistance, you'll find our contact information at the bottom of the page. Mahalo!

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