Best Rainy Day Activities on Maui
While Wailea, Kihei, and Lahaina tend to be dry pretty much year-round, there are still days when it rains. Normally, the rains come in the form of sh...
When you take a 10 day trip to Maui, you will spend most of your time at the leisure activity of your choice. Let's face it, 10 days at the beach, on the golf course, at the pool, hiking in the mountains... is, well, paradise. But due to rapidly dropping airfares, have you considered using one of your days on a day trip to another island?
Hawaiian Airlines, today, dropped the fares on some roundtrip flights between Maui and Oahu to under $100! A day trip to Oahu can include everything from visiting Pearl Harbor to shopping at the largest open air mall (Ala Moana) in the western hemisphere to indulging at world class restaurants. The beaches on Maui are much nicer than those in Honolulu, but for that big city vibe, you can't go wrong with a day trip to Oahu. Plus, Uber and Lyft have full airport service, so you don't have to worry about a rental car.
Beyond Oahu, you could also spend the day on the Big Island visiting the live volcano Kilauea or going to Kauai and checking out the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific", Waimea Canyon. In both cases, you'll need to rent a car to fully enjoy the day, but it'll be worth it.
When Southwest Airlines announced they were coming to Hawaii, many of us locals wondered if it would trigger price wars on inter-island flights. That question has been answered with an emphatic "yes"! We don't know how long the low prices will continue, but we're hoping for something like a 100-year war.
Of course, the cheap airfares go both ways. If you're reading this article while poolside in Waikiki, you may want to visit Maui for a day and join us for an amazing whale watch. Hawaii Ocean Project whale watches start at under $25. The whales will be headed back to Alaska soon, so don't miss your last chance to see the whales this season!
By the way, did you know that you can now save $10/person on our Maui Princess Dinner Cruise or a Snorkel Adventure to the island of Lanai? Well you can! Just use the promo code VIP20 after clicking on this link: Hawaii Ocean Project Adventures.
While Wailea, Kihei, and Lahaina tend to be dry pretty much year-round, there are still days when it rains. Normally, the rains come in the form of sh...
Living on Maui ain't cheap. But visiting Maui is even more expensive. Still, we locals know a thing or two about saving money on Maui. Here are 10 mon...
Some would say that Maui is made for Instagram. With world-class sunsets and ocean views, you can never go wrong with sunset shots from the shore. But...