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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson To Play Kamehameha In The King

August 29, 2018

“The Rock” becomes “The King” with his new starring role as Kamehameha I in Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema’s, The King. Robert Zemeckis is set to direct the movie which was written by Braveheart’s Randall Wallace.

A little background on Kamehameha. In 1802, King Kamehameha made Lahaina the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Lahaina became the center of the Hawaiian government for over five decades. Lahaina harbor continues to be the best place to depart the island via boat because the seas are smooth and the winds are the calmest.

For this reason, all Hawaii Ocean Project boats depart out of Lahaina harbor. Save $10/person on our all our Maui Princess Dinner Cruise or our Snorkel Adventure to the Island of Lanai by using code VIP20 after clicking on this link: Hawaii Ocean Project Adventures.

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