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Articles Bring Awareness to HOP Maui Whale Research Efforts

March 7, 2015

It was just about a week ago that we blogged about our charitable contribution to Whale Tales 2015, and of our excitement to have been involved with such a fantastic cause. It seems like our friends at the Maui Time and Lahaina News took notice of our efforts to raise funds for legitimate research, because they wrote two wonderful articles about us. We were as excited to see it as we are to share it here, because it is assisting us in spreading awareness of our passion - supporting legitimate, peer-reviewed research on the study of cetaceans and the marine ecosystem.

As mentioned in both articles we were able to present researchers with a $6,000 check - money that was generated throughout the previous whale watching season. Since our inception, we have contributed in excess of $80,000 to researchers who scientifically investigate marine life. We'd like to extend a big mahalo, or thank you, to everyone who has supported us over the years, and with gratitude look forward to being able to continue to contribute to legitimate research with your help in the years to come.

(From left to right, receiving $6,000 to further their research): whale researcher and author Dr. Jim Darling, underwater videographer Jason Sturgis, whale researcher and Whale Trust Executive Director Dr. Meagan Jones-Gray, and Hawaii Ocean Project Program Coordinator Amy Fonarow.
Photo provided by Amy Fonarow

If you are interested in supporting our cause then you'll be glad to know that there are so many ways you can help; whether you're booking a whale watch, becoming a member, or making a direct donation, you're contributing to the continued support of marine research. We appreciate your support, and want you to know that our researchers do too.

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